Assured Home Loans have been helping Australians with home loans for more than 30 years. Now our education and financial wellness programs are helping Australians make the most of their money today, and plan for tomorrow. We offer a holistic approach to financial strategies and educate our clients on financial matters, we believe every Australian deserves financial wellness.
So, what is financial wellness? At Assured, financial wellness is educating our clients on strategies that could financially benefit and protect their lifestyle.
Our goal is to empower our clients so they understand how to achieve financial well-being and can make decisions with confidence. Most people just don’t have time to look at their full financial situation, that’s why Assured is now your ‘one-stop-shop’ for all your financial needs.
Knowing the risks and rewards within your financial world is what Assured is all about and we are dedicated to helping you achieve financial wellness.
We are all different, with different goals and visions for the future. When thinking about what financial wellness looks like to you, here are some things to consider:
- What did your finances look like 5 years ago? What do your finances look like today? What do you want your finances to look like in 5 years? What do you want your finances to look like in 10 years?
- Do you consider yourself to be financially confident?
- Thinking forward to retirement, do you want to rely on the government pension? Did you know that 80% of people will retire broke or need some sort of assistance from the government to survive.
- Do you really know what your insurances cover you for? Do you understand your policies?
- What would happen to your lifestyle if your income stopped today? Is your income insured?
- Do you feel stressed about your finances?
- Do you have clearly documented financial goals?
- If the primary income earner in your family was incapable of working, would you be able to continue to pay your mortgage and bills?
- If you were to die, what do you want to happen to your estate? Are you aware of what happens if you die without a valid and a legal will?
- What financial plans do you have in place for now and the future?
- Do you feel that financial stress impacts your wellbeing?
- Financial advice is for everyone, have you sat down with a professional to set goals for your financial future?
- Have you looked at ways to minimise your tax?
- Is there a better way to structure your loans and save money each month?
We offer personal and straight forward solutions catered to our client’s individual needs. We care about the outcome and create relationships to give them the best service. We demonstrate care by offering services with no remuneration in order to give unbiased service.
We’ve created strong relationships with our aggregator, and as a result, have access to over 1400 loan products and specialist financial knowledge. Presenting you with the big picture will give you the freedom and flexibility you need to live the life you want.
We strongly believe that a vast majority are not aware of financial opportunities available to them. Being informed saves you money. Experienced consultants share their knowledge and give our clients tools to take ownership of their life. We make money make sense.
We’ve been helping Australians for over 30 years. Assured has built a reputation for accessible financial advice that puts the client first. Our brand history and five-star reviews reflect this.
Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Information is offered as an example only. This content is not be taken as legal, financial or real estate advice.