Interest only home loans are mostly utilised by investors who are not concerned about paying their loan off quickly. When making interest only payments, the initial home loan balance stays the same as there is no reduction of the principal. The home loan reverts to principal and interest at the end of the fixed term.
Generally interest only loans are not suitable for owner occupier home buyers as making interest only payment does not assist in building equity in the home. However, owner occupiers may choose to utilise the interest only option in times when they may be experiencing financial difficulty, to help them get through a short term problem.
Interest only home loan terms are usually only for 1-5 years, but Assured has access to products that allow the borrower to obtain an interest only loan for up to 10 years.
At Assured, we make things simple. As one of South Australia’s top mortgage advisers, we have established relationships with many reputable lenders and have access to hundreds of loans from major banks and financial institutions. Our friendly and experienced consultants offer expert advice to help you get the right loan to suit your needs.