5 copies of this fabulous money saving book TO GIVEAWAY to the first 5 people serious about saving money. See below for details.
In my quest to find everyday money saving ideas, I came across a great book called the $21 challenge by Fiona Lippey and Jackie Gower.
Fiona and Jackie explain that the average family spends $320 a week on food!
Well what if you could feed your family for a week on $21? You must be kidding! Not at all! It really is possible. Over the last three years, thousands of families in Australia have already achieved ‘the impossible’.
How does it work? Simple – this week you are only allowed to spend $21 on food. You will have to learn how to stretch the food you already have in your cupboard, pantry, garden and freezer to stay within your $21 budget.
Can you do it? Absolutely! Fiona and Jackie have already done all the hard work for you. All the information and inspiration you need to succeed is in this book.