It’s almost disturbing the number of people you encounter who have no idea what company supplies the utilities to their home. Even more disturbing is the number of people who don’t take any measures at all towards saving money on their gas and electricity.
Ten great ways to to save money on your next utilities bill
It’s almost disturbing the number of people you encounter who have no idea what company supplies the utilities to their home. Even more disturbing is the number of people who don’t take any measures at all towards saving money on their gas and electricity.
Many aren’t aware there that are a variety of providers or that they could easily conduct an energy comparison to save themselves money. A lot of money can be saved at home just by following some simple procedures and practices. Here are ten quick tips towards saving money on utilities.
1. Switch off Appliances at the wall.
This should be self explanatory. Even when on standby items such as televisions and microwaves use power.
2. In summer, keep your home cool by keeping windows and doors shut, and curtains drawn.
3. In winter, take care to reduce draughts. Keep windows and doors shut, and if there is a significant gap between door and floor, an appropriate door snake.
4. Only run the dishwasher when full. Dishwashers use a lot of energy, either electrically heating water or by using gas. Running the dishwasher after prime time has passed can further reduce your bill. In addition, many dishwashers will have an option to turn off the drying cycle, leaving the dishes to drip dry.
5. Hang your clothes. Especially in summer, there is little point in using a clothes dryer when the power of the sun is at its most powerful. A further benefit is sun dried clothes gather a little vitamin D, helpful for a healthy mind.
6. Purchase appliances with a higher efficiency rating. The higher the efficiency rating, the less it’s going to cost you in utilities. Government estimates state that roughly 30% of a households electricity bill is from appliances.
7. Turn off the lights when you’re not in the room.
8. Don’t leave external lights on. Installing approach lights will not only provide you with a saving, but will act as a greater theft deterrent.
9. Install an energy efficient water heater. This will save you twice, once in consuming less water, and reducing the water rates. Secondly, it will reduce the power spent heating up the water, by either gas or electricity.
10. Shop around for the best deal for your home situation. Many companies are now offering very competitive rates, offering deals that incorporate all of your different home rates, such as gas and electricity. A simple energy comparison between the different providers for your area can yield amazing results. Some households from Victoria and New South Wales have reported savings of 10% – 20% just by doing this.